Ovations for gold singers - City of Split choir Brodosplit returns with three awards from international competition in the hometown of composer
As a rule, the City Choir "Brodosplit" returns from different parts of the world winning gold medals. Such was the case last weekend when the "Brodosplit" golden vocal cords competed the 7th International Choir Competition "Robert Schumann " in Zwickau in Germany, where they won the highest medals - gold winning medal in the category of male choirs, gold medal in category of sacred music and the special prize of the jury for the best performance of the work of Robert Schumann that shows the level of vocal performance since the choirs competed in Schumann's hometown. The event was attended by 16 choirs from Germany, France, Iran, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belarus and Croatia.
The highest national awards for male choir "Brodosplit"
At the suggestion of the Arts Academy in Split and his vice-dean Branko Matulić, for the merits that the choir "Brodosplit" had as a propagator of cultural heritage, and winner of international awards in choral singing, among other things, as Olympic champion in choral singing, Croatian President Ivo Josipović honoured us with the recognition Povelja Republike Hrvatske and our maestro Vlado Sunko with Medal of the order of Croatian Danica with figure of Marko Marulić, which is awarded to Croatian and foreign citizens for special merits in culture. The president is clearly recognized our merits, he knew it before also, and today he decided to honor us . ...
"It is a great honor for us. It is recognition for the entire 40 years and all our successes, and to celebration of this moment greatly contributed the prize to our conductor, Medal of the order of Croatian Danica with figure of Marko Marulić...
... I hope that this will testify our values. We thank the entire choir and our maestro on the hard work, because without this symbiosis we would not exist." ...
... "This award is a great help. Because you can dedicatedly work as much as you want, but you are outsiders until the prize do not draw public attention to you. This makes job easier." tells us winning conductor Vlado Sunko. Conductor Sunko has over 35 years of his music career as a composer, conductor and professor and has received a number of awards. ...
this is the greatest reward for a culture that is awarded at the state level, but still every prize is interesting in their own way . ...
... However, the Medal of the order of Croatian Danica with figure of Marko Marulić is so highly ranked and seems it covers it all.
... This, my work was obviously visible, and Commission evaluated the activity and results, especially on the international scene. Without award is difficult to prove that way. There are plenty of people who are creditable, but this time we got the honor "....
"The nightingales"
The last in a series of Brodosplit's award s is the award of City of Split
To numerous awards received in the past four decades of successful continuance, the City Choir "Brodosplit" joined the two new awards - a City of Split award for year 2012. for particular merits and achievements in promoting cultural and musical heritage in the country and abroad, and their leader maestro Vlado Sunko received a personal award also for the particular merits and the results achieved in the promotion of Croatian musical heritage in the country and abroad.
They have received awards in the Split National Theatre on the occasion of the feast of St. Dujma. With congratulations to the Split's " nightingales" and their valuable maestro, we can rightly say that this choir from 1972. until now really become one of the most respected choirs in Croatia, we dare to babble - the best choir of the Croats.
In fact, wherever they perform, at home or abroad, "Brodosplit" collects awards and recognitions which are backed up by interesting program, the value of interpretation, culture of singing, distinctive sonority and compactness of the voices. Competitions such as the Choir Olympics, the World Choir Games, European and international competitions are in the sign of the gold medals, the absolute winners and titles of Olympic and world champions of choral singing.
Just mention the prestigious award at the recent international competitions "Golden Fairy" and "Canta al mar" in Spain where they have won prizes: first prize of the audience awarded for best performance of the old masters work, the prize for best performance of domestic work and the title of absolute winner and gold plaque in the category of male choirs and gold plaque in the category of sacred music.
Music connoisseurs widely praised their oratories, anthological performance of Boris Papandopulo's "The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to John," Cherubini's "Requiem," Ljubo Stipišić's -Dalmata "The Resurrection", the composer and choir leader prof. Vlado Sunko's "Our Lady of Sinj"...
Monograph, DVD-eight albums with the constant presence in Split, Croatia, and international music scene testifies to their extremely rich concert activity and the strong interest of many enthusiastic audience. In all of this it should be noted prof. Sunko, self-denying, but an extraordinary artist who leads the choir for 25 years.
Vlado Sunko, a full professor at the Art Academy in Split, is one of the most remarkable figures of the middle generation in the musical life of the city of Split. His artistic work is characterized by a large wideness of musical interests as in the field of music performance, even more so in the field of music production, as well as personal unobtrusiveness, professional maturity and stability in work.
Without a doubt from the choir in this composition we can expect much more. The boys tell us that they have the will and the heart for further promotion of the Croatian musical heritage, ...
Musical treat
On the occasion of 40 years of foundation, the City Choir "Brodosplit" will hold a concert on Monday, 26th November in the Split National Theatre, at 19.30, under the patronage of the Croatian President Ivo Josipović.
Singers from "Brodosplit", under the conduction of maestro Vlado Sunko, prepared for a concert extensive and very demanding program, from classical pieces, through national, religious, concert and foreign songs. Visitors oft he concert will be able to hear Schubert, Mozart, Verdi, Biebl, Vajda, McCartney and other composers. Among the local authors they have chosen Ljubo Stipišić's "Gremo mi puntari", Jakov Gotovac's "Ero", Ivo Tijardović's "Spli'ski akvarel", cantata " The Sweetheart of Our Lady's Mercy" 1. and 4. paragraph of maestro Vlado Sunko and other compositions. As guests "Brodosplit" invited Gibonni, Dražen Žanko, primadona of Split National Theatre Valentina Fijačko, "Split girls" with conductor Danica Zaić, mandolin orchestra "Sanctus Domnio" with conductor Vladimir Lukas, and the program will lead Lejdi Oreb. Opening statement of the choir will present professor Ivana Tomić Ferić.
Choir "Brodosplit" recently returned from Spain from the 1st International Choral Competition in Calella, where they won two Gold Medals in the categories of male choirs and sacred music, and won the title of absolute winner in the category of male choirs. "Brodosplit" was competing among 80 choirs from 36 countries with as many as 2600 singers, proving once again that they have no equal.
Good news from the first, international competition in which participated 80 choirs from 36 countries
'BRODOSPLIT' from Spain winning gold
As often before, Brodosplit City Choir under the guidance of maestro Sunko returns from international competition with gold medals. This time from the 1. International Choir Competition in Calella, Spain, to Split they bring two Gold Medals in the categories of male choirs and sacred music, as well as the title of absolute winner in the category of male choirs. Brodosplit has competed among 80 choirs from 36 countries with 2600 singers. Among choirs from many European countries, there was also representatives of China, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, the U.S.A., Kazakhstan, Paraguay, the Philippines and others. Choirs have competed in 13 categories, and in the festival was awarded 41 gold, 57 silver and 5 bronze medals
... 'Brodosplit' presented on the competition with the following works 'Valkeat kaupungit' (L. Madetoja), 'Zavr�ni zbor' (B.Papandopulo), 'De caupone' (J. Vajda), 'Domine non sum dignus / Miserere mei' (T.L. de Victoria), 'Lux aurumque' (E. Whitacre), 'Ave Maria Angelus Domini' (F. Biebl), 'Gospe Sinjska (V. Sunko) with soloists Ivan Bošnjak and Ivan Žitko.
Above the recession
Inspite of the financial difficulties that choir is facing with, the Brodosplit singers are managing to preserve its reputation and leading position among male choirs in the world, so at the request of the organizers of the competition Brodosplit sang in the famous shrine of Montserrat, which is a tremendous recognition. They also sang at the competition opening ceremony themed songs about Dalmatia and Croatia.
The Awards ceremony to Brodosplit was accompanied very emotional in standing ovation by several thousand visitors, and they are especially glad for recognitions of music specialists ...
City male choir "Brodosplit", under the guidance of maestro Vlado Sunko, awards granted in "domestic competitions" doesn't count any more, since for years they are "on top" in choir singing. In Petrinja, during 4. music festival "Sounds of June", prestigous choir festival, they won grand-prix, previously being the best choir in the classical music category. ...
Singers from Split performed three compositions: "Valkeat kaupungit" (Leevi Madetoja), in original in finnish language, "Terra tremuit" (Jakov Gotovac) and "Gospe Sinjska" (V.Sunko).
City choir Brodosplit, as expected from choir with this status, exceled on traditional festival of croatian culture in Slovak Republic. ...
Song masters have organized the whole evening concert in jesuit church in Trnava, which was extremely successful and well visited. Concert programme consisted mostly of songs from croatian, especialls split composers. The peak of split choir's tour was well acknowledged performance in new building of Slovak national theatre in Bratislava, where they have presented whole palette of croatian music vocal heritage, and literature made for male choir on international level....
Unusual and interesting concert of city choir Brodosplit was held in croatian national theatre in Split. This time, unlike last years, Brodosplit decided on something completely different - on repertoire completely made of foreign compositions. ...
Repertoire consisted of compositions in eight languages - from latin, over french, german, italian and english, to czech, finnish and slovenian language. The compositions themselves were diverse and wide gamut of classical and reneissance to modern music, from Beethoven and Orff up to Schubert and Verdi. Choir prepared and performed these compositions on international performances, which gave split audience the opportunity to witness the richness of eight languages combined with classical music in one concert. Some compositions were performed in Split for the first time.
52 hours away from home After the performance in Finland, the agony of split singers, caused by iceland volcano has begun
Thirty members of split choir "Brodosplit" and their management, eruption of iceland volcano, has stucked away from home, in finnish Espoo, where they have participated on prestigious international male choir competition "Leevi Madetoja". Although they've ended the competition with third place award, they are extremely satisfied, due to the large number of competitors, excellent choirs from north Europe. ...
Anyhow, hard return home cannot diminish the satisfaction of "brodosplit" singers with great success on the competition held every fifth year, which gathers mostly best baltic choirs, where they have performed as the only choir from other parts of Europe. Among 28 competitors, apart from third place award, they have won the 1000 euro money grant and became for the first time, the only "non-baltic" choir that has won that award.
Split singers were especially thrilled with reception and ovation from audience, who by acclamation especially acknowledged the composition "O Gospe Sinjska" by Vlado Sunko.
City male choir Brodosplit, one of the world best male choirs, will stay from March 11th till 17th in guest performance in The Netherlands, Amsterdam and in Germany, in Bergish Gladbach where they will perform the compositions of Mendelssohn, Jakov Gotovac, Josip Hatze, Vlado Sunko and other composers. Choir will visit Amsterdam due to the invitation from municipal authorities where they will sing at festival "Cantate Amsterdam 2009." and during that visit perform three concerts in three different cultural centres. After Amsterdam, split singers will leave for Germany on the occassion of important anniversary: they will celebrate 25th year anniversary of fellowship between "Brodosplit" and choir "Quartett Herkenrath". On that occasion they will hold all evening concert with performance of several guests, their friends and associates for many years.CITY CHOIR BRODOSPLIT AN ABSOLUTE WINNER IN GRAZ - Graz, 2008.
City choir "Brodosplit" has confirmed its quality again, on the 5. world choir games that took place in Graz, Austria. In the competition part, in the category of chamber male choirs, with the 8 choir competitors from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Russia and Saudic Arabia, city choir "Brodosplit", under the guidance of maestro Vlado Sunko, has convincingly won a first place and golden medal, thus becoming an absolute winner in its category.During the closing ceremony, their success has been accompanied by the performance of Croatian anthem and raising of the Croatian flag.
35th anniversary of city chorus Brodosplit under the guidance of maestro Sunko
Celebrating it's 35th anniversary in Croatian National Theater this Monday, Brodosplit has confirmed it's well-known status as being a one of our best and most rewarded male chorus. Chorus' guide, maestro and composer Vlado Sunko, despite of the great fluctuation of people throughout the chorus, has managed to maintain not only high quality but he also presented wide range of it's vocalist's variations and alterations through diverse repertoire.
..."Chorus Brodosplit is a pride of Dalmatia and Croatia, carrying the name of their city throughout the world, not only through its name but also through the culture of singing" stated Fiamengo.
Within two hours of singing, 40 singers was performing a celebrative concert with a program being thematically divided. Last part of the evening was the real highlight. "Ode of joy" i.e. short endpart of IX. Beethoven's symphony..., has sent a wave of positive energy and made the audience thrilled. After the offical part, the celebrators have performed five more songs...
With the pronouncement of 11 best choruses, 40th Croatian chorus festival has come to its end
Best among 12 choruses who participated in the competitive part of the 40. Croatian chorus festival program organized by Croatian cultural assembly is City of Split chorus Brodosplit with its maestro Vlado Sunko
...This decision was brought on Sunday by committee composed of director Josip Jerković and members Robert Homen and Branko Starc
.....Winner, city of Split chorus Brodosplit was only male chorus among mixed choruses and stood as a favourite. This chorus has been a winner 4 times on these type of chorus festivals...
It is hard to find the best words of praise in describing the Brodosplit chorus quality, without having these words being spoked out already. Through many years, this chorus is making us thrilled with its top singing quality and profoundly lived interpretations which are the expression of deep sensitivity, typical for dalmatian temperament. It could be especially felt in Papandopulo and Sunko compositions with a Credo being especially nice and impressive as well
.... I believe that Brodosplit will remain one of the top promotors of Croatian talent and culture throughout the world and will keep positioning itself successfully wherever they perform. The background for this statement lies not only in the impressive achievements throughout the history but also in a current quality they have shown in this competition.
Chorus has introduced itself with a high quality peformance and with the respect to the Croatian composing culture; whole program consists of Croatian authors: "Closing chorus" (from "The Passion ...") by Boris Papandopulo has been performed with nice and balanced sound among passages, both in homophony as well as in the complete rhythmics. Sound harmony has been showed as very expressive and surprisingly controlled in the last measure, both in a chorus singing and in the tenor-soloist performance. Chorus and its maestro have proved to have a great sense for gradation and build up of composition thrill both through the increases in the rhytme and dynamics and in their decresendo ("Our Lord", "Lament for the veal"). The sound taste and balance of the recital parts and b.c parts (cooperation with the tune line) is shown again throughout the performance of the "Our Lord" composition. Choir intonation is stable...
Chorus has made a perfect result. Program was composed of demanding compositions, not only from interpretive but also from singing part of the view. Interpretive composition definiton as well as its sound achievement are in the accordance with those works of art. Sound is "sane" but not natural, tune is elastic and properly coloured. Every piece of art is performed with diversity of vocal styles and in the accordance with the style. This chorus along with its maestro is, and will remain on the top of Croatian chorus singing.
Concert of City of Split chorus Brodosplit - excellent Croatian "visiting-card"
Bruxelles and Brugge, 2007.
In Croatian mediocre representing to the European Union, just shined the recent guest performance of City of Split chorus Brodosplit. Chorus was a guest performer in a main concert auditorium in Bruxelles and Brugge, where they were singing at the opening ceremony of honorary consulate...
...A few musicians and experts who were present at the concert were thrilled and surprised that "a chorus is able to perform such a top art". If that chorus is performing here again, auditorium would be full because everybody would like to bring someone to listen to them and to boast of them.
The spirit of city of Split near Cologne - Herkenrath, 2007.
...And the closing in the form of passionate performance under the alter of St. Nicholas' catholic church in Herkenrath once again has put the numerous audience on the feet. For four times City of Split chorus Brodosplit returned to the stage, and in the end of the concert they were rewarded with the standing ovations of the audience...
...The thrill of the visitors, numerous Germans and Croatian immigrants, was endless and it is not a surprise that the women liked the concert of "robust lads" the most. Here are some impressions: "I liked it all, and Zrinjski has fascinated me.", "I'm so thrilled I can't speak. Excellent! Of course that I liked Stipišić's Dalmatino, but Sinj's folk singing was also phenomenal.", "What an engagement, what a harmonious singing, with a body enthusiasm.", "It was delightful. Touching. At the end, my eyes were wet from emotions.", "And I especially liked that so many lads are singing in the chorus."...
Grandiose Papandopulo's "Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ"
Devoted interpretation of chorus from city of Split - Zagreb, 2007.
...City of Split chorus Brodosplit, founded in 1972., guided by competent maestro Vlado Sunko, with great successes and numerous awards since 1988., was singing devoutly in all details of demanding score. It is especially important to point out the contribution of soloists whose emphasizely nice and reliable voices were filling the auditorium with dramatic dialouges and singings about Passion of Christ. Serious approach to the score, discipline of all participants' singing, as well as intonation's steadiness, rise City of Split chorus Brodosplit to the professional level and all these elements were rewarded by long lasting applause of numerous audience.
CHAMBER GOLD Split male choir has brought the shinest medal from China
...Split male choir is the best in the world, at least when it comes to the singing! From the world choir competition in chinese Xiamen, singers of Brodosplit have returned with the golden medal, won in the category of male chamber choirs! This is the third world competition from which they are coming back with the medal, as they already have gold from Linz 2000 and silver from Bremen two years later (where golden medal was not awarded)...
Impressive Papandopulo's "Passion" of choir Brodosplit - Split, 2006.
Magnificient "The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ " belongs undoubtfully to the peak of the huge and extremely valuable composer's work of the great Boris Papandopulo, whose anniversary is celebrated this year. In the impressive setting of Meštrović Kaštelet we witnessed the imposing performance of the oratorio inspired by Split church choir singing. City choir Brodosplit has approached it with the supreme prepareness. Maestro Vlado Sunko has confirmed once again its reputation of the choir master - properly balanced, to the details trained choir has pliantly followed the articulation of deeply affecting oratorio text. Soloists have completed their tasks successfully...CHORUS BRODOSPLIT HAS PERFORMED PAPANDOPULO' S
(The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ) - Split, 2006.
...Highest compliments to the male chorus Brodosplit and its maestro Vlado Sunko for impressive sound of the magnificent composition. Chorus was being impressive with the homogeneous singing, achieving at the same time high level of suggestiveness. It was conquering with the sensitive pianos and powerful gradations while the productive unity was strongly testifying the value of the unusual composer's piece...
City of Split male chorus Brodosplit in novena of St. Dujam with Stipišić's oratorio "Uskrsnuće" ("The Resurrection of Jesus Christ") - Split, 2005.
...A sense of thrill was given to us by the extremely valuable artistic achievement that merits the best critiques, with the inspired performance being guided by maestro Vlado Sunko. Readiness and involvement of chorus were just astonishing.
...Seven ideally conceived staves are creation of the maestro Vlado Sunko. During the oratorio's setting, he made a subtle care about all the elements that make it complete. Special compliments to the efforts made in text's articulation and accentuation, and especially to the extreme concentration (it's hard to keep it in whole ensemble during long lasting performance) which helped maintain the intonation...
Novena of St. Dujam - City of Split chorus Brodosplit concert - Split, 2004.
The sixth evening of the novena was marked with the impressive concert by City of Split male chorus Brodosplit.
...In City of Split cathedral, Brodosplit has presented highly demanded spiritual compositions. Noticeable performing level is a product of the high-level singer's involvement, and above all of competent work under guidance of prof. Vlado Sunko. Once more, Brodosplit has fascinated us with the homogeneous sound, to whom color was given by the luscious and fresh tenors. Natural and faithfully conceived compositions were glamourously presenting nicely finished dynamical nuances (Arcadelt: Ave Maria). Also impressive was Hatze's composition Smiluj se (Have Mercy on Me) with the accompanying sound of traditional dalmatian singing, live polyphonic sections and grandiose closure. Odak's Ispovijem se (I confess) shined with excellence and Sunko's Dona nobis pacem and Zdravo Marijo (Hail Mary) plundered with humbleness.
...Numerous and delightfull audience was postponing, with the loud applause, a farewell from the good-mood singers. Even three additonal compositions culminated with the last - famous Stipišić's Dalmatino that filled the ancient cathedral with the solemn sound.
...Split male choir Brodosplit, who has finished its competiton on the Third Olympic Choir games in Bremen, is returning home with the silver medal won in the category of male choirs, but this medal is size of the golden one. In other words, Brodosplit has won the highest number of points in its category, and not even one of seven choirs that were in competiton hasn't won enough points for golden medal, thus that medal hasn't been awarded to anyone. It means that Brodosplit is still the best male choir and current olympic winner, because after Linz 2000 the golden medal was not deserved by anyone. Such a great achievement as well as the participation on the competiton which gathers the best world choirs, proves a high artistic work level of this choir and its maestro Vlado Sunko, the work that is recognized all over again throughout the music world...
In the situation when a male choir despite of the competition, is holding a title of the best male world choir 4 years in the row - and that achievement has been accomplished by Brodosplit, under the guidance of maestro Sunko on the Choir Olympic Games in Bremen - one must conclude that it is a quality that lasts and is well recognized.
Christmas concert of the male chorus Brodosplit in the church Gospa od Zdravlja - Split, 2003.
...One more time maestro Vlado Sunko confirmed his quality as a conductor of opulent knowledge and huge energy. He is a conductor acquainted with his chorus singers very well, skillfully hiding all their imperfections, yet simultaneously forming the best in them. Brodosplit sounds impressive in a polished manner with opulent nuances of tunes and particularly attractive pianos reflecting Christmas peace and warmth. Fifteen performed songs showed a wide range of moods and contents...
...This Christmas concert proved to be exemplary in every sense of its meaning - it was stripped of pathos, of inappropriate loudness and unnecessary speculations about simple folk singing...
Cecilian concert in St. Dominic's church - Split, 2002.
...Our famous vocal ensemble, guided by prof. Vlado Sunko goes on. Refreshed with the young singers, it gained colour and agility, and thanks to the older, has a needed firmness and persuasiveness. Delightfully performed compositions of De Victoria and Cherubini were preceding Croatian composers. Grandiose Odak's Ispovijem se (I confess) has impressed with the opulence of sound's overflow. Ensemble has adjusted excellent to the acoustic ambiance which favours the sound dispersion, but does not forgive weaknesses. Jaganjče Božji (The Lamb of God) by Pero Gotovac drove attention with the accompanying warm sound of traditional dalmatian singing, and Jakov Gotovac's Terra Tremuit worthy reminded of the solemn but sad act of farewell with the famous maestro...
...The last composition, Zdravo Marijo (Hail Mary) by Vlado Sunko, touchingly inspired prayer, could not be the last composition of the concert, because the loud applause of the audience was asking for more enjoyments in the chorus sound. Brodosplit returned with Arcadelt's Ave Maria and soul composition Soon Ah Will be Done...
Traditional concert in St. Peter's church - Split, 2000.
...However, the city of Split may have been famous for the male choir singing in the past but one must admit that it is much more famous these days thanks to the constant successful international choir competitions of the City of Split Choir Brodosplit under the direction of V. Sunko. Requiem in D minor, by Luigi Cherubini, has definitely found a powerful interpreter in their performance. That extremely delicate and complex mission chorus has performed with enthusiasm, homogeneous and perfected in details, on the level of professional ensemble. Especially impressive were ethereal quality colourings on the spots which demand narrowed dynamical values...
Split male choir Brodosplit is an olympic winner in choir singing and best of all world male choirs! In its category this male choir has won a first place on the First world choir olympic games...
32nd National Competition of the Best Choirs - Umag, 1999.�
...National Competition of the Best Choirs in Umag ended with the triumph of City of Split chorus Brodosplit.
...by number of gained points Brodosplit rose above all the other competitors, thus becoming the absolute winner of the 32nd National Competition of the Best Choirs.
...Their performance of the Petelin and Gotovac's compositions was defined by full concentration and elated suggestiveness. Further performance of extremely demanding programme was passing in a constant and meaningful tensions. Impressive was the performance of L. Janaček's Holubička, not only for the warmly defined sound colours, but even more because of the constant pronunciation's fluidity of the unusually composed chord's structures. It is also important to emphasize chorus' elastic and precised stratification by sections, during formation of A. Kumar's In Ecce Homo composition. Total climax occured with the deeply experienced and almost eruptive performance of Lj. Stipišić's cantata Gremo mi puntari (Let Us Rebels Go), which was in distinctive, discrete and steadily gestures constantly intensified by maestro Vlado Sunko...
Koprivnica, 1992.
This is a representative and diverse nicely cultivated male chorus, yet of the vigorous and savoury choir sound. With the well balanced vocal part, being distinctive to the thiniest details, professional while performing, flexible in phrase, stable in intonation and interpretatively worked out (especially Gotovac!), Brodosplit was absolutely the highest peak of the 25th Choir competition.
(The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ) - St. Catherine Church, Zagreb, 1992.
...Choral ensemble from Split created a complex interpretative task developing a certain feeling for singing in the manner of Papandopulo and for the feeling of crisp harmony occasionally performed through some haste transformations. Brodosplit did not even allow audience any thought of difficulties which are in the base of such daring feats. Vocal parts of the well-balanced quality in trimmed equilibrium between the highest and the deepest tone and their powerful tunes fullfilled with a beauty of the southern cantilena their conductor knows very well how to put under the necessary professional control...
Zadar, 1988.
...A well-known male chorus "Brodosplit" from Split has confirmed its high-class artistic level to the citizens of Zadar. The chorus performed five compositions under the direction of its young conductor, V. Sunko, in an inspired and a deeply experienced manner. The chorus's distinguished quality of voices was particularly expressed by the suggestive performance of the composition Mura, Mura by E. Cossetto...
...Two concerts of sacred music in the church of St. Donat represent a novelty of this year's cultural and artistic events...
...Suggestive, yet refined tunes of Brodosplit have left a vigorous impression on the audience in the first evening. A dynamically coloured composition Ave Maria by J. Arcadelt will be particularly remembered for a long time.